Multitude of choices, comedy, and sex! Now on Steam!

The full game is now available on Steam, have fun!

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Liked the game, "interactive lewd" sure is a concept with a lot of potential.

My only pet peeve with it has to do with a Chloe interaction. If you choose to go anal (with the gag on), she tells you after the fact that she had said many times in the past that she wasn't up for that. It was kinda funny when it happened, to find out the wildest girl was the one who has set a hard boundary like that, but it's still a bit of a misstep from you as the author. It's fine for the characters to have a history, but the important details of it need conveyed to the player so he can make informed decisions. Because while the reaction the MC got may have been earned for him, it wasn't earned by the player, who choose what he did out of ignorance. Just like Sasha has a lone line that says "likes complaining" in her profile, Chloe could have had one that went "not up for the backdoor" or something.

Like I said, I liked the game. I liked how you connected each scene by inserting a "group event" every two "character events", it made everything feel linked. I think it was a fair lenght for the price, but I would have liked to have just one more scene with a girl of my choice (this desire speaks to how endearing you made their personalities be, good work!). Like, you have two mandatory scenes with everyone, and then an epilogue with someone? I thought the game was heading in that direction when you could kinda favor one over the other two in the trio scene, but then it just ended. So, if you can, I'd recommend that you aim to have 3 scenes per girl for the sequel. I hope it does come! Either as Cats in Heat 2, or as Dogs in Heat, Wolves in Heat, or something haha! Will be keeping my eye out for it!